Integrated pest management of major pests and diseases of grapevine, pepper and tomato in North Macedonia

The manual on Integrated pest management of major pests and diseases of grapevine, pepper and tomato in North Macedonia was prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU), under a regional technical cooperation project aiming at strengthening the capacities of seven countries in the area of plant protection entitled “Support for the enhancement of national plant pest surveillance and phytosanitary certification systems” (TCP/RER/3705).
This document was developed in the context of the implementation of the activities of the project dedicated to strengthening the national capacities to protect from plant pests some of the most economically important crops in North Macedonia, under the overall coordination of Mr Piotr Wlodarczyk, REU Agricultural Officer, Lead Technical Officer for the project.