The UN Resident Coordinator Office

The Resident Coordinator system in North Macedonia aims to bring together the different UN agencies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operational activities at the country level. The Resident Coordinator leads the UN country teams and is the designated representative of the UN Secretary-General for development operations in North Macedonia. The Resident Coordinator leads and strategically positions the UN country team in North Macedonia in support of national priorities, development strategies, and plans. 

The Resident Coordinator system encompasses all organizations of the UN system dealing with operational activities for development, regardless of their formal presence in North Macedonia. Working closely with the national government, the Resident Coordinator and country team advocates for the interests and mandates of the UN system while drawing on the support and guidance of the entire UN family. Coordinating development operations promotes more strategic support for North Macedonia's national plans and priorities, makes operations more efficient and reduces transaction costs for governments. This helps the UN to be a more relevant and reliable partner for the government in order to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which was approved by the UN General Assembly at the historic meeting in 2015. 

The UN Resident Coordinator in North Macedonia 

Ms. Rossana Dudziak brings over twenty years of professional experience in international development. Prior to her latest appointment, she served at the UNDP headquarters in New York as Team Leader for Integrated Policy and Programme Support and as Team Leader for Crisis Prevention and Recovery for Latin America and the Caribbean. She previously served as UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Tunisia during the democratic transition of the Arab Spring, as Governance Team Leader in Ethiopia, and as Crisis Prevention Specialist in Colombia.   

Before joining the United Nations, Ms. Dudziak worked with the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and an infrastructure consulting firm with assignments around the world, including Vietnam, Guinea and Guatemala. She has a Master's degree in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Affairs from George Washington University. 


Rossana Dudziak

UN Resident Coordinator in North Macedonia