Training for replication of the Sky Plus Shelter Center model in other municipalities

Training for replication of the Sky Plus Shelter Center model with other municipalities.
Strumica, 12 February - On February 11-12, 2023, the Association “Sky Plus” Strumica held a two-day training on replicating the Sky Plus Shelter Center model in other municipalities. Representatives from civil society organizations, the local self-government, and the Centers for Social Work from Ohrid, Gostivar, and Krusevo attended the training.
The topics of the workshop were the need of establishing a shelter for women victims of violence, and the legislation on domestic and gender-based violence, with a special focus on the functioning of the model of the Shelter Center. The model of cooperation with all stakeholders of the local community was of special interest to those present since there is a need to establish a shelter for victims of GBV in their communities. On the second working day, the participants were introduced to the standards and procedures for establishing shelters for victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence. They were able to learn how to map all possible collaborators and relevant stakeholders from the local community and how to define the roles for establishing cooperation. It was particularly important for them to acquire skills for collecting financial resources and managing services for the protection of women victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence.
Following the example in Strumica, the participants from the Municipality of Gostivar shared that the Municipality provided funds in the municipal budget for the opening of a shelter. The UN Population Fund together with the British Embassy in Skopje supports the process of strengthening the capacities of the communities by replicating the model of the Strumica Shelter Center which works in partnership with the Municipality of Strumica.
The standards and procedures for establishing a shelter, as well as the licensing method, were of particular interest, according to which plans, programs, and protocols the victim is cared for and everything that is necessary during the preparation phase. Nela Masalkovska from the Department for Local Economic Development explained the ways in which the Municipality finances the Center for the Care of Women Victims of Domestic Violence, and how the mapped municipalities can establish gender-responsive budgeting. The attendees showed great interest and enthusiasm to replicate the model, and those in charge of Sky Plus will provide mentoring in the upcoming period, while a Manual was prepared for this purpose. During the discussions, mapping was emphasized, as well as advocacy and lobbying among relevant stakeholders which should be involved in the support of the functioning of this social service.
This was the second of two workshops on replicating the Sky Plus collaboration model. The first was held in December 2022 and was attended by civil society organizations from Ohrid, Gostivar, and Struga.