Keeping the lights on: challenges and opportunities for companies on the liberalized energy market in North Macedonia

In the face of great and growing challenges for companies, the Employers’ Organization of Macedonia (ORM), with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO), conducted a survey of companies to assess the effects of the energy crisis. This analysis enabled a better understanding of the situation of Macedonian companies, the room for maneuver and their sensitivity to price shocks. The survey also gathered information about the experience of companies that have invested in renewable energy sources (mainly photovoltaics).
The report consists of 7 parts. After the introduction, the second part presents an analysis of macroeconomic trends, that is, the environment in which companies operate. The third part analyzes the electricity market in North Macedonia. Then, in the fourth part, the results of the survey are presented regarding the effects of the energy crisis on companies, and in the fifth part, the findings on investments in own production of electricity from renewable sources. The sixth part contains a comparative analysis of government measures related to the energy crisis in the countries of Southeast Europe. While, in the seventh part, concluding observations and recommendations for policy makers are stated.