United Nations North Macedonia 2020 Annual Results Report

The United Nations in North Macedonia presents the 2020 Annual Results Report towards the strategic priorities identified in the 2016-2020 Partnership for Sustainable Development (PSD).
UN work contributes to the country’s national development and strategic priorities, its international human rights and gender equality commitments and the commitments for achieving SDGs.
In 2020, 24 United Nations entities were engaged in operational or support activities for development in North Macedonia, working together through the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator (RC), the designated representative of the UN Secretary General for development operations in the country.
Among these, 17 had physical presence in North Macedonia – either through a stand-alone representative office, project staff or capacity embedded in the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) – and four entities have been conducting their activities fully remotely.
The United Nations team in North Macedonia in 2020 included more them 250 country-based national and international professional and support personnel backed by experts and personnel from regional and headquarter offices around the globe.