Nevzat Abdili has lived in Jelovjane for more than half a century.
Not a day goes by without recalling the tragic events when he lost almost everything he had worked for all his life during the subsidence of the land in the village.
Watch Nevzat's appeal for help:
But help is here. Hope for Nevzat and the locals is restored by the activities that are already yielding results within the framework of the "Program for improving flood resistance in Polog" financed by the Swiss government and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning .
The program envisages the transformation of the flood protection system through the development of an integrated and sophisticated approach in dealing with floods and other types of disasters. A key step is that, for the first time in the country, a network of nine municipalities, Tetovo, Gostivar, Tearce, Bogovinje, Vrapcishte, Želino, Jegunovce, Mavrovo-Rostuše and Brvenica, which work together to develop flood protection plans, has been created. Inter-municipal coordination of activities and sharing of mechanization are crucial for preventing future floods with catastrophic consequences for the lives and property of the population.
Rehabilitation of riverbeds, stabilization of landslides, rehabilitation of wild landfills along river courses, cleaning and maintenance of existing channels for storm drainage, construction of protective dams, afforestation in order to retain flood water, reconstruction of existing ones and installation of new hydrological-meteorological ones stations. These are just some of the activities within the "Program to improve flood resilience in Polog" financed with 12 million Swiss francs by the Swiss government, and implemented by the United Nations Development Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.