Joint Workplan 2023

2021-2025 Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is the key strategic document guiding UN work in North Macedonia, developed through close partnership with the Government, Macedonian society and international partners. It is closely aligned with the country’s national development and strategic priorities, its international human rights obligations and gender equality commitments.
The implementation of SDCF has been closely tied to the UN development system reform process, based on key principles of jointness and enhanced efficiency of the UN system with supporting governments and societies towards accelerated sustainable development. North Macedonia has been a strong supporter of the UN reform process – globally, as a champion of multilateralism; and locally, in the country, where our joint work is marked by excellent collaboration and alignment towards our joint goals across all four priority areas of work of SDCF. This is operationalized through the Joint Workplans (JWPs). The Joint Workplans are developed for each of the four outcomes and consulted at technical level with all relevant line ministries, through 3 workshops in November and December attended by over 150 technical level representatives from line ministries, academia and civil society and international partners. The challenges of today require vision and commitment, but also agility from decision-makers, implementing partners and society. The Joint Work Plan 2023 was developed in a challenging local and global context that overwhelmed the institutional capacities and seriously threatened the living standard of people, especially the most vulnerable groups. Targeted and focused expert advice and support, underpinned by the focus on leaving no one behind will remain the key pinnacle of UN work in North Macedonia in 2023.