UNHCRObjektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm
Paqe dhe drejtësi, institucione të forta.
Informacioni i kontaktit
ashkapov@unhcr.org07 Prill 2022
UNHCR donation to MOI
As part of strengthening the digital institutional capacity for registering and triaging persons traveling in mixed movements, including asylum seekers and other persons with specific and/or protection needs, as well as facilitating the participation of border police in online training and meetings aimed at improving the protection of persons we serve, UNHCR donated 46 computers that will serve the needs of the Border Police countrywide.
Ministry of Interior
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
07 Prill 2022
Rreth ngjarjes
The delivery of the donation was held on 7 April at MOI, with the Representative meeting with the Minister of the Ministry of Interior and his deputies and the Chief of Border Police. Part of the donation was funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund.