FAOObjektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm
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radmila.slavkova@fao.org14 Qershor 2022 | 9:00am - 11:00am
Strengthening country capacities for climate change adaptation and mitigation and finalization of Country Work Programme for the Republic of North Macedonia
This event represents the official closure of the second project of the Republic of North Macedonia under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the leadership of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic sectors and investments, as the country’s National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which implementation ends on 17 June 2022.
Government of the Republic of North Macedonia (ceremonial hall)
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
14 Qershor 2022 | 9:00am - 11:00am
Rreth ngjarjes
Objectives of the event:
- Presentation of the project results.
- Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Deputy President of the Republic of North Macedonia, in charge of economic affairs and the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development (FITD) to promote the participation of the private sector in climate action and investments
- Announcement of the first joint Public Call of the NDA and FITD entitled "Climate Change Challenge’’ for private sector project proposals on development or use of climate-friendly, clean technologies that can contribute to climate change mitigation or adaptation in the key sectors: energy, transport, waste, water, agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, health and cultural heritage.
Event participants:
- Deputy President of the Government of North Macedonia in charge of economic affairs, coordination with economic sectors and investments/NDA to the GCF and the NDA team
- Representatives of the media.