UNDPObjektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm
Informacioni i kontaktit
mirko.trajanovski@undp.orgSkills4Future – beyond Transformational Changes
The first #Skills4FutureWeek hosted around 45 speakers from the country and the region bringing up discussions on the emerging technologies in Macedonian traditional sectors and in Western Balkan, the future skills, and the value of digital transformation and green transition across the regional and local economic ecosystem.
Rreth ngjarjes
The event, organized in April, 7th, itself offered an immersive experience for already established industry professionals, but also for visionary young startups and entrepreneurs’ minds by a series of interactive discussions, simulations, case studies and Q&A sessions held by groups of passionate regional leaders from the world of business, innovations, and technology.
Around 100 professionals, practitioners and students followed the online stream of the 3days happening.