

Objektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm

Paqe dhe drejtësi, institucione të forta.

Informacioni i kontaktit
16 Shtator 2022 - 17 Shtator 2022

"Training for Trainers on using foresight methods"

Thirty representatives from national institutions, IOs and NGOs will take part in the "Training for Trainers on using foresight methods" which will take place in Hotel “Radika,” Mavrovo between 16 and 17 September. The training is a continuation of the online series "Forecasting and thinking about the future in policy making" and aims to support national capacities to facilitate foresight processes in the context of policy development and to foster a culture of future thinking.

This workshop is part of an initiative promoted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in cooperation with the Intragovernmental Body for the Development and Implementation of the Migration Policy 2021-2025 of the Republic of North Macedonia, and under the coordination of the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in North Macedonia (UNRCO).


Hotel “Radika” Mavrovo
1254 Mavrovo
North Macedonia
16 Shtator 2022 - 17 Shtator 2022

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