EBRD, IOM, UNDP, UNECEObjektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm
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nikola.ilievski@undp.orgProduct launch of the „Green finance facility“
Product Launch of the Green Finance Facility (GFF) project, a Joint UN Programme for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency measures
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Product Launch of the Green Finance Facility (GFF) project, a Joint UN Programme with UNDP as the lead implementing agency, together with IOM North Macedonia and UNECE as participating UN organizations.
The Performance-based Payment Loans will be available to both Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 7 target groups of creditworthy but underserved individuals/households for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions.
GFF project is financially supported by the Joint SDG Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) while co-financing will also be provided by government of the Republic of North Macedonia.