Hearing that Ohrid has not been placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger is welcomed news that carries three important messages:
First, the decision of the 2021 World Heritage Committee not to place Ohrid on the endangered list does not diminish the urgency to act, despite the extra two years given to avoid that fate.
For decades, Ohrid has been plagued with inappropriate and often illegal construction, and with poor management of the fishing and lack of protection mechanisms for the life under water. We have seen apathy towards the natural and the cultural treasures. The issues facing Ohrid require a holistic approach not only for rectifying the damage that has been accumulating for many years, but for all future planning and management of the site. The time to act is NOW!
Secondly, the two years prolongation is an immense opportunity to significantly increase efforts towards corrective measures and improved management of the site. Now, all efforts must be doubled to restore the site's values as soon as possible. This requires coordinated action and close cooperation by all stakeholders including central and local government, CSOs, citizens of Ohrid and Struga, tourists, and the international community. In this regard, we welcome the recent efforts presented by the Government and by the municipalities of Ohrid and Struga. We also welcome the dedicated efforts of CSOs on this topic. We stand ready to provide support for Ohrid to stay off the List of Endangered World Heritage!
Finally, this decision shows that we all must act jointly to protect the natural and the cultural heritage in Ohrid. We must act jointly because Ohrid belongs to all of us, from the people that live on its shores, through the municipalities and state institutions that manage the overwhelming natural and cultural treasures, to all of us, citizens of North Macedonia and citizens of the World. Ohrid is a treasure for the whole world and it is our joint duty to try to protect and conserve it, for us and for all future generations.