

Objektivat e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm

Shëndet i mirë dhe mirëqenie
Energji e përballueshme dhe e pastër

Informacioni i kontaktit
07 Dhjetor 2023 | 10:00am - 12:00pm

Donation of equipment for inspectorate for environment in Kavadarci

As part of the project „Scaling up actions to tackle air pollution“, event was held in Kavadarci with the mayor of the city, Mitko Janchev, the Ambassador of Sweden, Amy Larsson Jain and the RR of UNDP, Armen Grigoryan where the equipment which was donated to the local inspectorate for environment was presented.


City Hall
North Macedonia
07 Dhjetor 2023 | 10:00am - 12:00pm

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