Breadcrumb Shtëpi / Burimet / Publikime / WHO Flash update 02.04.2020 Publikim WHO Flash update 02.04.2020 02 prill 2020 30 new cases have been reported making 384 the total number of registered COVID-19 in the country. 63 patients are currently hospitalized at Clinic for infectious diseases. The total number of affected medical staff is 41, out of which 28 have acquired the infection while in their primary clinics. New Government’s web page for all official COVID-19 related information is available in MK and ENG Publikuar nga WHO English File type: PDF Shkarkimet: 2260 Objektivat që mbështesim përmes kësaj nisme Burime të ngjashme Burimet 22 shkurt 2023 Plani i përbashkët i punës për vitin 2023 Burimet 24 mars 2022 Mobilizimi i burimeve dhe Strategjia e Partneritetit në Maqedoninë e Veriut