UNHCRЦели за одржлив развој
Намалена нееднаквост
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ashkapov@unhcr.org19 август 2022
Announcement of the winners of the journalist awards for professional reporting about refugees and stateless persons
The public call for the awards was published on World Refugee Day, 20 June 2022, through UNHCR's partnership with the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia. The award is meant for journalists who provide a voice to the most vulnerable populations, and the winners were chosen by a committee of 5 members (3 from AJM, 1 from MYLA, and 1 from UNHCR).
- First place went to Sonja Delevska - an incredible and dedicated journalist who did a series of articles about Toni Sali, the stateless young man who unfortunately passed away because of never having had the chance for a medical check-up.
- Second place went to Valentina Vurmo for the article "Life in a cage - The state didn't count Sudahan among the living, but "revived" him when he was being sent to prison!"
- Third place goes to Darko Shtargoski for the multimedia product "For obtaining citizenship in Macedonia they wait even for 15 years - a lot of their rights aren't met".
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
19 август 2022