UNDPЦели за одржлив развој
Одржливи градови и заедници
Мир, правда и силни институции
Податоци за контакт
darko.chekerovski@undp.org11 април 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am
Official launching of LOGES - the first software for e-services on local level
This digital tool offers over 20 services to citizens and businesses in 18 municipalities, providing easier access to the local services, increased efficiency and costs savings.
North Macedonia
11 април 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am
За настанот
On April 11, in Veles and Stip, UNDP together with its partners from the Bureau for Regional Development, the municipalities and the planning regions announced the official launching of LOGES - the first software for e-services on local level. This digital tool offers over 20 services to citizens and businesses in 18 municipalities, providing easier access to the local services, increased efficiency and costs savings.