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Податоци за контакт
darko.chekerovski@undp.org13 април 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am
Workshop with the representatives from the four Chambers of Commerce
At the meeting, through open and constructive dialogue next steps in the process of preparing the National Development Strategy were discussed with the business sector
North Macedonia
13 април 2023 | 10:00am - 11:00am
За настанот
On April 13, UNDP organized workshop with the representatives from the four Chambers of Commerce and their members (MASIT, Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Macedonia, Chamber of Commerce of Republic of Nort Macedonia and Union of chambers of commerce). At the meeting, through open and constructive dialogue next steps in the process of preparing the National Development Strategy were discussed with the business sector with focus on ranking of criteria for selection of the NDS strategic areas.