United Nations North Macedonia 2021 Annual Results Report

The United Nations (UN) in North Macedonia in 2021 included 24 entities engaged in operational activities for development in the country. They work together through the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the main mechanism in country for inter-agency coordination and decision-making, and under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator (RC) – the designated representative of the UN Secretary General for development operations in the country.
The UN work in North Macedonia is aligned with the country’s national development and strategic priorities, its international human rights and gender equality obligations, and commitments towards achieving Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UN strategic priorities are clearly defined in the joint 2021–2025 Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (SDCF), a key strategic document guiding the work over the period of five years that was agreed by the Government and UN in 2020.
UN support is provided through technical assistance, capacity development, leveraging partnerships and resources, social mobilization, brokering knowledge, and piloting and scaling up innovations. In 2021, which marked the first year of implementation of the five-year strategy, 17 UN entities had physical presence in North Macedonia – either through a standalone representation office, project staff or capacity embedded in the Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO).Four entities have been conducting their activities fully remotely.
The UN team in North Macedonia in 2021 was comprised of more than 250 country-based national and international professional and support personnel. They were backed by offices around the globe.